Select your fee type and year to browse fees for all courses and units.

Alternatively you can use the fee calculator.

This is your first degree and you're an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

This is not your first degree, more than one third is coursework, it generally leads to an initial professional qualification, and you are an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

This is not your first degree, more than a third is coursework, it's not a Commonwealth Supported course, and you're an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

You want to qualify for entry to a higher degree by research, and you're an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

At least two thirds of the course is research and you're an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa. HDR courses for domestic students are funded under the Research Training Program.

You're not studying for credit towards a qualification, and you're an Australian or NZ citizen, or hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

This is your first degree, you're studying in Australia and you are NOT an Australian or NZ citizen, nor hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

This is not your first degree, you're studying in Australia, more than a third is coursework and you're NOT an Australian or NZ citizen, nor hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

This is not your first degree, you're studying in Australia, at least two thirds is research and you are NOT an Australian or NZ citizen, nor hold an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.

You pay no tuition fee under the Research Training Program

Course fees for 2025

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  Annual Fee for Start Year
Course Name Course Code Course Credit Points The minimum credit points required to complete the course Annual Credit Points The standard number of credit points taken each year by a full-time student 2025
Doctor of Architecture (Design) 25920 144 48 $40,200
Doctor of Education(144 points) 30810/03 144 48 $38,100
Doctor of Education(192 points) 30810/04 192 48 $38,100
Doctor of Juridical Science 20810 144 48 $57,600
Doctor of Musical Arts 10940 144 48 $38,400
Doctor of Philosophy (Agricultural Economics Plant and Soil Science) 00810/IC-AGECPL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Agricultural Economics Plant and Soil Science) 00830/IC-AGECPL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Animal Science) 00830/IC-ANIMAL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Animal Science) 00810/IC-ANIMAL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture Landscape and Visual Arts) 00810/IC-ALVA 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture Landscape and Visual Arts) 00830/IC-ALVA 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Arts Humanities and Social Sciences) 00830/IC-AHSS 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Arts Humanities and Social Sciences) 00810/IC-AHSS 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological and Physical Sciences) 00830/IC-BIOPHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Biological and Physical Sciences) 00810/IC-BIOPHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science) 00810/IC-COMPSC 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science) 00830/IC-COMPSC 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Dentistry - Biological Sciences) 00810/IC-DENTBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Dentistry - Biological Sciences) 00830/IC-DENTBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Dentistry - Clinical) 00810/IC-DENCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Dentistry - Clinical) 00830/IC-DENCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Dentistry - Paraclinical Sciences) 00830/IC-DENTPAR 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Dentistry - Paraclinical Sciences) 00810/IC-DENTPAR 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Dentistry - Public Health) 00810/IC-DENTPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Dentistry - Public Health) 00830/IC-DENTPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics and Commerce) 00830/IC-ECOMS 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics and Commerce) 00810/IC-ECOMS 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) 00830/IC-ENG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) 00810/IC-ENG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Faculty of Education) 00810/IC-EDUC 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Faculty of Education) 00830/IC-EDUC 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Geology & Physical Geography) 00830/IC-GEOL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Geology & Physical Geography) 00810/IC-GEOL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Human and Behavioural) 00810/IC-HUMB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Human and Behavioural) 00830/IC-HUMB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Human and Social Geography) 00830/IC-HUMSOCG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Human and Social Geography) 00810/IC-HUMSOCG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Agricultural Economics Plant and Soil Science) 00860/IC-AGECPL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Agricultural Economics Plant and Soil Science) 01820/IC-AGECPL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Agricultural Economics Plant and Soil Science) 01850/IC-AGECPL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Agricultural Economics Plant and Soil Science) 01830/IC-AGECPL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Agricultural Economics Plant and Soil Science) 01840/IC-AGECPL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Animal Science) 01840/IC-ANIMAL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Animal Science) 01850/IC-ANIMAL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Animal Science) 01820/IC-ANIMAL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Animal Science) 01830/IC-ANIMAL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Animal Science) 00860/IC-ANIMAL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Architecture Landscape and Visual Arts) 00860/IC-ALVA 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Architecture Landscape and Visual Arts) 01820/IC-ALVA 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Architecture Landscape and Visual Arts) 01850/IC-ALVA 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Architecture Landscape and Visual Arts) 01830/IC-ALVA 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Architecture Landscape and Visual Arts) 01840/IC-ALVA 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Arts Humanities and Social Sciences) 01840/IC-AHSS 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Arts Humanities and Social Sciences) 01830/IC-AHSS 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Arts Humanities and Social Sciences) 01850/IC-AHSS 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Arts Humanities and Social Sciences) 01820/IC-AHSS 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Arts Humanities and Social Sciences) 00860/IC-AHSS 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Biological and Physical Sciences) 00860/IC-BIOPHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Biological and Physical Sciences) 01830/IC-BIOPHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Biological and Physical Sciences) 01820/IC-BIOPHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Biological and Physical Sciences) 01840/IC-BIOPHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Biological and Physical Sciences) 01850/IC-BIOPHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Computer Science) 01850/IC-COMPSC 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Computer Science) 01840/IC-COMPSC 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Computer Science) 01820/IC-COMPSC 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Computer Science) 01830/IC-COMPSC 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Computer Science) 00860/IC-COMPSC 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Biological Sciences) 01820/IC-DENTBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Biological Sciences) 00860/IC-DENTBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Biological Sciences) 01830/IC-DENTBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Biological Sciences) 01850/IC-DENTBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Biological Sciences) 01840/IC-DENTBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Clinical) 01850/IC-DENCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Clinical) 01840/IC-DENCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Clinical) 01830/IC-DENCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Clinical) 01820/IC-DENCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Clinical) 00860/IC-DENCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Paraclinical Sciences) 01820/IC-DENTPAR 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Paraclinical Sciences) 00860/IC-DENTPAR 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Paraclinical Sciences) 01830/IC-DENTPAR 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Paraclinical Sciences) 01850/IC-DENTPAR 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Paraclinical Sciences) 01840/IC-DENTPAR 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Public Health) 01840/IC-DENTPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Public Health) 01850/IC-DENTPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Public Health) 01830/IC-DENTPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Public Health) 00860/IC-DENTPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Dentistry - Public Health) 01820/IC-DENTPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Economics and Commerce) 01820/IC-ECOMS 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Economics and Commerce) 00860/IC-ECOMS 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Economics and Commerce) 01830/IC-ECOMS 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Economics and Commerce) 01850/IC-ECOMS 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Economics and Commerce) 01840/IC-ECOMS 192 48 $45,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Engineering) 01840/IC-ENG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Engineering) 01850/IC-ENG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Engineering) 01830/IC-ENG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Engineering) 00860/IC-ENG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Engineering) 01820/IC-ENG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Faculty of Education) 00860/IC-EDUC 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Geology & Physical Geography) 00860/IC-GEOL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Geology & Physical Geography) 01820/IC-GEOL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Geology & Physical Geography) 01830/IC-GEOL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Geology & Physical Geography) 01850/IC-GEOL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Geology & Physical Geography) 01840/IC-GEOL 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Human and Behavioural) 01840/IC-HUMB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Human and Behavioural) 01850/IC-HUMB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Human and Behavioural) 01830/IC-HUMB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Human and Behavioural) 00860/IC-HUMB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Human and Behavioural) 01820/IC-HUMB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Human and Social Geography) 01820/IC-HUMSOCG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Human and Social Geography) 00860/IC-HUMSOCG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Human and Social Geography) 01830/IC-HUMSOCG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Human and Social Geography) 01850/IC-HUMSOCG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Human and Social Geography) 01840/IC-HUMSOCG 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Law) 01840/IC-LAW 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Law) 01850/IC-LAW 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Law) 01830/IC-LAW 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Law) 00860/IC-LAW 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Law) 01820/IC-LAW 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Mathematics) 01820/IC-MATHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Mathematics) 00860/IC-MATHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Mathematics) 01830/IC-MATHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Mathematics) 01850/IC-MATHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Mathematics) 01840/IC-MATHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Biological Sciences) 01840/IC-MEDBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Biological Sciences) 01850/IC-MEDBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Biological Sciences) 01830/IC-MEDBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Biological Sciences) 00860/IC-MEDBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Biological Sciences) 01820/IC-MEDBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Clinical) 01820/IC-MEDCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Clinical) 00860/IC-MEDCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Clinical) 01830/IC-MEDCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Clinical) 01850/IC-MEDCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Clinical) 01840/IC-MEDCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Paraclinical Sciences) 01840/IC-MEDPARA 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Paraclinical Sciences) 01830/IC-MEDPARA 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Paraclinical Sciences) 00860/IC-MEDPARA 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Paraclinical Sciences) 01820/IC-MEDPARA 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Paraclinical Sciences) 01850/IC-MEDPARA 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Public Health) 01820/IC-MEDPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Public Health) 00860/IC-MEDPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Public Health) 01830/IC-MEDPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Public Health) 01850/IC-MEDPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Medicine - Public Health) 01840/IC-MEDPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Paramedical) 01840/IC-PARAMED 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Paramedical) 01850/IC-PARAMED 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Paramedical) 01830/IC-PARAMED 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Paramedical) 00860/IC-PARAMED 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Joint/Double Badged) (Paramedical) 01820/IC-PARAMED 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Law) 00830/IC-LAW 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Law) 00810/IC-LAW 192 48 $39,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics) 00810/IC-MATHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics) 00830/IC-MATHS 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine - Biological Sciences) 00830/IC-MEDBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine - Biological Sciences) 00810/IC-MEDBIO 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine - Clinical) 00810/IC-MEDCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine - Clinical) 00830/IC-MEDCLIN 192 48 $58,700
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine - Paraclinical Sciences) 00830/IC-MEDPARA 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine - Paraclinical Sciences) 00810/IC-MEDPARA 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine - Public Health) 00810/IC-MEDPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine - Public Health) 00830/IC-MEDPUB 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Paramedical) 00830/IC-PARAMED 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy (Paramedical) 00810/IC-PARAMED 192 48 $52,600
Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Clinical Neuropsychology - Research 01890 192 48 $46,700
Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Clinical Psychology - Research 01870 192 48 $46,700
Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology - Research 01880 192 48 $46,700
Doctor of Podiatry 90820 144 48 $64,600
Doctor of Social Work 10970 144 48 $36,900


  Annual Fee for Start Year
Course Name Course Code Course Credit Points The minimum credit points required to complete the course Annual Credit Points The standard number of credit points taken each year by a full-time student 2025
Master of Advanced Social Work - Research 10750 48 48 $38,400
Master of Architecture (Design) - Research 25760 96 48 $40,900
Master of Arts - Research 10760 96 48 $38,400
Master of Arts - Research (Creative Writing) 10760/IC-CREATIV 96 48 $38,400
Master of Clinical Audiology and Doctor of Philosophy 00840 252 48 $47,900
Master of Curatorial Studies in Fine Arts - Research 25770 96 48 $40,200
Master of Education - Thesis & Coursework 31700 96 48 $35,100
Master of Education - Thesis and Coursework 31670 96 48 $35,100
Master of Fine Arts - Research 25740 96 48 $38,400
Master of Forensic Anthropology (research) 50770 96 48 $45,600
Master of Forensic Science and Doctor of Philosophy 00880 192 48 $46,000
Master of Health Professions Education - Thesis and Coursework(72 points) 90670/02 72 48 $44,400
Master of Music - Research 10720 48 48 $38,400
Master of Music Education - Research 10730 96 48 $38,400
Master of Pathology - Thesis and Coursework 92610 48 48 $46,700
Master of Philosophy - Research (Agricultural Economics Plant and Soil Science) 00710/IC-AGECPL 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Animal Science) 00710/IC-ANIMAL 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Architecture Landscape and Visual Arts) 00710/IC-ALVA 96 48 $45,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Arts Humanities and Social Sciences) 00710/IC-AHSS 96 48 $39,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Biological and Physical Sciences) 00710/IC-BIOPHS 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Computer Science) 00710/IC-COMPSC 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Dentistry - Biological Sciences) 00710/IC-DENTBIO 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Dentistry - Clinical) 00710/IC-DENCLIN 96 48 $58,700
Master of Philosophy - Research (Dentistry - Paraclinical Sciences) 00710/IC-DENTPAR 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Dentistry - Public Health) 00710/IC-DENTPUB 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Economics and Commerce) 00710/IC-ECOMS 96 48 $45,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Education) 00710/IC-ED 96 48 $39,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Engineering) 00710/IC-ENG 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Geology & Physical Geography) 00710/IC-GEOL 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Human and Behavioural) 00710/IC-HUMB 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Human and Social Geography) 00710/IC-HUMSOCG 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Law) 00710/IC-LAW 96 48 $39,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Mathematics) 00710/IC-MATHS 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Medicine - Biological Sciences) 00710/IC-MEDBIO 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Medicine - Clinical) 00710/IC-MEDCLIN 96 48 $58,700
Master of Philosophy - Research (Medicine - Paraclinical Sciences) 00710/IC-MEDPARA 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Medicine - Public Health) 00710/IC-MEDPUB 96 48 $52,600
Master of Philosophy - Research (Paramedical) 00710/IC-PARAMED 96 48 $52,600
Master of Public Health - Research 90710 96 48 $42,700
Master of Research (Agricultural Economics Plant and Soil Science) 00720/IC-AGECPL 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Animal Science) 00720/IC-ANIMAL 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Architecture Landscape and Visual Arts) 00720/IC-ALVA 96 48 $45,600
Master of Research (Arts Humanities and Social Sciences) 00720/IC-AHSS 96 48 $39,600
Master of Research (Biological and Physical Sciences) 00720/IC-BIOPHS 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Computer Science) 00720/IC-COMPSC 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Dentistry - Biological Sciences) 00720/IC-DENTBIO 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Dentistry - Clinical) 00720/IC-DENCLIN 96 48 $58,700
Master of Research (Dentistry - Paraclinical Sciences) 00720/IC-DENTPAR 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Dentistry - Public Health) 00720/IC-DENTPUB 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Economics and Commerce) 00720/IC-ECOMS 96 48 $45,600
Master of Research (Engineering) 00720/IC-ENG 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Faculty of Education) 00720/IC-EDUC 96 48 $39,600
Master of Research (Geology & Physical Geography) 00720/IC-GEOL 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Human and Behavioural) 00720/IC-HUMB 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Human and Social Geography) 00720/IC-HUMSOCG 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Law) 00720/IC-LAW 96 48 $39,600
Master of Research (Mathematics) 00720/IC-MATHS 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Medicine - Biological Sciences) 00720/IC-MEDBIO 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Medicine - Clinical) 00720/IC-MEDCLIN 96 48 $58,700
Master of Research (Medicine - Paraclinical Sciences) 00720/IC-MEDPARA 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Medicine - Public Health) 00720/IC-MEDPUB 96 48 $52,600
Master of Research (Paramedical) 00720/IC-PARAMED 96 48 $52,600
Master of Rural and Remote Medicine - Research 90780 96 48 $63,200
Master of Rural and Remote Medicine - Thesis and Coursework 90680 72 48 $59,600
Master of Science - Thesis and Coursework (Research) 70630/IC-RESRCH 48 48 $46,000